Sony Wf 1000xm4 Vs Wf 1000xm3 Which Are Better

Sony WF-1000XM4 vs WF-1000XM3: Which Are Better?

If you're in the market for a pair of truly wireless earbuds with excellent noise-cancelling capabilities, then Sony is a brand that you've likely heard of. The Sony WF-1000XM3 has been one of the most popular options in this category for some time, but now Sony has released a newer model, the WF-1000XM4. In this article, we'll compare the WF-1000XM4 to its predecessor, the WF-1000XM3, to see which one is better and worth your investment.

Design and Build Quality

The WF-1000XM4 has a sleeker and more refined design compared to its predecessor. It has a more rounded shape and a slightly smaller size, making it more comfortable to wear for extended periods. The earbuds themselves are also lighter, which further adds to their comfort.

In terms of build quality, both models are excellent, but the WF-1000XM4 has a slight edge due to its IPX4 rating, which means it's more resistant to water and sweat than the WF-1000XM3.

Sound Quality

Both the WF-1000XM4 and WF-1000XM3 offer excellent sound quality, but the WF-1000XM4 has a few upgrades that make it sound even better. It has a new 6mm driver that produces more detailed and accurate sound, and it also has improved noise-cancelling capabilities.

Noise Cancelling

Speaking of noise-cancelling, this is an area where Sony truly shines. Both the WF-1000XM4 and WF-1000XM3 have excellent noise-cancelling capabilities, but the WF-1000XM4 has a slight edge here as well. It has improved noise-cancelling algorithms and a new processor that analyzes noise in real-time and adjusts the cancellation accordingly.

Battery Life

Battery life is an essential consideration when it comes to truly wireless earbuds, and here again, the WF-1000XM4 outperforms its predecessor. It has a battery life of up to 8 hours on a single charge, which is two hours longer than the WF-1000XM3. Additionally, with the charging case, the WF-1000XM4 can last up to 24 hours, while the WF-1000XM3 can last up to 18 hours.


Both models have excellent connectivity, but the WF-1000XM4 has a slight advantage. It uses Bluetooth 5.2 instead of Bluetooth 5.0, which means it has faster and more reliable connectivity.


In conclusion, the Sony WF-1000XM4 is undoubtedly the better choice between these two models. It has several improvements over the WF-1000XM3, including a sleeker design, improved sound quality and noise-cancelling, better battery life, and faster connectivity. However, the WF-1000XM3 is still an excellent choice, especially if you can find it at a lower price point. Ultimately, it depends on your budget and what features matter most to you.

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Keanu Leblanc
Keanu Leblanc
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